J and the bad day…

Today was rough. Today J’s more challenging autistic traits took over! I am usually very positive in everything I write. But today was hard and I gave in to the more difficult side of J’s Autism. We went to gymnastics as we do every week. J loves it as he’s free to run, climb and…

Encouraging Independence in Toddlers and Preschoolers…

Sometimes being an early years professional rubs off on how I parent J. Other times the ‘teacher’ in me shakes her head at the things I do and say! However something I’ve continued from my work is believing that independence is something that should be encouraged in toddlers/preschoolers. These need to be appropriate for young…

Surviving The Christmas Fayre 🎄

Today we went to see Grandma and have a look around the Christmas Fayre. I always love this day as it’s the start of the Christmassy feelings. The music, colours, lights and food are enough to get me feeling like a little girl again.  It’s a BIG fayre and takes over pretty much the whole…

Baking with kids vs baking, with kids!

There’s two ways to read this posts title. ‘Baking with kids’ yey, what a fun family day we’ll spend together. Then, there’s ‘baking, with kids’. The comma gives it that little bit of dread. As if ‘the kids’ comes loaded with potential threats. Now, I love seeing the cute posts about children baking with their…

World Kindness Day: a big thank you & a chance to get involved.

Today is World Kindness Day. It amazes me how it seems like every day is ‘world something day’ or ‘save the world sunday’. Most of them I don’t really pay attention to unless they somehow affect me or my family. However World Kindness Day is a great one to celebration. Earlier this year I did…

Family: Planning for Cold Weather.

I am a bit of an ‘over planner’. I write lists and I think of every possible scenario. When I watch disaster films I often think ‘what would our plan be?’. For this reason I always have an emergency box ready. As the cold weather is coming there’s the risk of what could happen such…

Tips for surviving fireworks with a child with Autism…

When my eldest, J, was younger he was having nothing to do with the whole fireworks celebrations. We had to leave his first display after a few minutes as J was really struggling. Back then we didn’t know J was Autistic (although I had an inkling) so I just thought he didn’t like it in…