A poem by a very talented blogger…’Don’t Make Me Speak’

Today I read the most beautiful poem by ‘Anonymously Autistic’. I have been following this blog for a while as I find it fascinating to read about the experiences of the world from the mind of an adult who is Autistic. I have read many theorists and many articles from parents. This blog is different…

‘Dangerous diggers’…a speech and language journey. 

J has started to use more single words. He can now say ‘nana’ (banana), ”is-it’ (biscuit) and ‘pees’ (please). He says Muma, Dada, Dad-Dad (Grandad), ‘Ma-mar’ (Grandma) and ‘Nana’ (Nana). It’s so exciting hearing him talk! ​Here’s J on the monitor having a chat (apparently to me, despite being in a completely different room haha)….

A parent’s guide to surviving genetic testing…

Today was the day of J’s genetic test. It’s done by a simple blood test. But there really isn’t such a thing as ‘simple’ with a toddler, is there? I hate needles! I tried not build today up as I didn’t want J picking up on my anxiety. So, I just said we were off to…

Woo-woo’s and Toot-Toots…a speech and language journey.

First off, the title made me cringe just typing it. I spend a lot of my time at preschool encouraging children to say the names of things instead of the sounds e.g.: “it’s a sheep…not a ‘baabaa’” and “it’s a train…not a ‘toot toot’”. So at home with J I have tried my best to…

Future gymnastic Olympian…a speech and communication blog

On Tuesdays we go to our local gymnastics toddler group. It’s a great place for a lively toddler to run, climb and throw themselves around without the worry of injury.  It’s also full of speech and understanding language opportunities: Positional language Stop/go Action words New naming words (equipment) Colours etc I focused on a mixture…

Talking Tubes…a speech and language journey.

Today J and I were playing with these Talking Tubes. They are basically a fancier version of yoghurt pots and string. There are two ends to a hollow tube with a ‘phone’ attached to ends. This instantly gets J’s attention as he LOVES phone. At first he was just giggling at hearing my voice. Then eventually…

Speech, Language and Special Needs: Meeting Our Paediatrician

Hi everyone, J’s initial assessment Yesterday J met our paediatric consultant at the Child Development Centre. We waited in the waiting area first which had toys and books to explore so J didn’t get bored. We were then called in and Dr M led us to his office. He quickly put us both at ease…

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt…a speech and language blog.

With all the fun and excitement of Christmas and new year, we managed to miss watching the new We’re Going on a Bear Hunt tv  adaptation (Channel 4). Luckily, I had put it on record. What’s so special about it? For me, it’s fond memories. I work in a preschool and this has been a…