Heatwave with Kids: ways to handle to heatwave.

As I write this it is currently 26c in my part of Suffolk. I can feel the change in the air, the way everything already feels slower and more hard work. Which means the news that we will be in the 38c for us Monday is concerning. Heatwaves can be great for sun lovers but…

7 Books to Support Emotional Well-Being for Children 5 and over.

Emotions are a hard thing to control when you’re a child. They can often be overwhelming and children’s behaviour may change because of it. It’s not just about recognising what their feeling, there’s always understanding why they feel that way and what they can do to balance themselves again. For those with neurodiversity (for example…

Pregnancy: The birth stories of my two boys…

Birth stories – I love hearing all the different ways babies have come into this world. Every birth is different. My mum regularly reminds me that I kept her in pain for a 7 day long labour, and yet my sister arrived within minutes. My two boys were two very different birth experiences. They left…

Christmas: 20 Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Elf on the Shelf…it started as Santa’s little spy who sat on a shelf to keep an eye on children and report to Santa. But it soon morphed into a playful, naughty and sometimes kind elf. Elves have also been given important spokesperson jobs such as Alfie the Elf who posts on Facebook about life…

Dyspraxia Awareness: Guest post by Emma at Mrs Shep Unplugged.

This week is Dyspraxia Awareness week. I’ve read bits and pieces about dyspraxia via various special needs parenting boards but not enough to write about the subject. So I have turned to my friend Emma from Mrs Shep Unplugged, who is dyspraxic herself, to tell you more about diagnosis and living with the condition…. Hi,…

Big School: Preparing to Start Reception.

This September my eldest son, J starts ‘big school’. By this I mean Reception class in Primary School. I know some parents who are counting down, saying their children are ‘totally ready’ or that they can’t wait for the peace and quiet. I’m sure they jest when they talk of their excitement (or maybe not?)…

Easy Healthy Lunches for Parents!

One thing I have found during the healthy eating journey is that a lot of my problems are caused by the kids (haha). Obviously I can’t shut them in a cupboard or sell them as both are frowned upon so instead I faced it head on. Lunch time is especially hard for me. I’m usually…

Mummy Est. 2014: Our Story

Lately it feels like a chapter of our family life has closed and we are preparing for a new one. This week J finished Tumble Tots, and Wednesday he finishes Nursery. It feels like that is the end of where I feel I am still part of his ‘academic life’. We spent time together having…

Exploring Tumble Tots: A Structured Physical Play Group (inc. Autism advice)

Tumble Tots is a physical development programme for children in the early years (0-5 years). It’s basically a preschool child friendly gymnastics session where children learn to use equipment, do music and movements and develop skills such as hand-eye coordination, arm strength and gross motor control. It’s an important area of development at physical skills…