Surviving the cinema with a toddler…Cars 3

J is obsessed with cars. Well actually all types of vehicles. If it has wheels then he is happy. He has always loved the Car movies and either the first or second film is often on in the background. So when the adverts for Cars 3 came on the tv, J would get upset that…

Happy Fathers Day…an interview with the man who gave me J x

Happy Fathers Day! Whether you celebrate the day with the father of your child, step father, grandfather, great grandfather…or whoever is your child’s male role model, I hope you are having a lovely day. J’s Daddy is having a lie in this morning and J and I are preparing his presents and card. This year…

In The Night Garden Live…an amazing day! 

On Sunday we went to Blackheath in London to watch In the Night Garden Live! J has the app on my phone and watches the advert for the show EVERYDAY so when I found out the date that tickets went on sale for 2017 I was straight on the booking page the second it opened…