What I want our professionals to know…

A couple of Fridays ago we met J’s new speech therapist. I was anxious because we had worked with J’s previous therapist since just before his second birthday. Meeting someone new who didn’t know me or J’s history was daunting. As I sat in the waiting room I was thinking about all the professionals we…

Days out: Suffolk Super Con 2018…Sci-fi lovers paradise!

We’ve just got back from spending the morning at Suffolk Super Con 2018. This is the first convention J has ever been too but as you know from our post about J’s obsession with Star Wars, we couldn’t miss this! I asked J who he’d like to dress up as. He obviously chose Kylo Ren….

6 Exciting Number Games: A Parents Guide to Early Number Play.

Maths was my least favourite topic in school. I’m pretty sure my GCSE maths teacher had to sell a kidney to bribe the exam board into passing me (hopefully I’m just joking). However, J seems to be the opposite. He has a growing fascination with numbers and a natural ability to learn the concepts of…