5 Fun Sensory and Play Skills Building Easter Activities…

Pre-motherhood, Easter was a more religious part of my year. It revolved around Lent and church. I of course got an Easter egg but it was not really a big thing. Since having J Easter has become more. I still love the religious aspect but I have shifted to a fun and play based version…

J’s Journey: a quick update.

It’s felt a while since I did an update so thought I’d let you all know what’s been going on with J lately. So, J was diagnosed with Autism in October. That feels a life time ago now but really we’re still at the beginning of the journey. Speech therapy J is still being seen…

Encouraging Mark-Making: a parents guide…

Writing and drawing is an area where children are often put under a lot of pressure. They have to hold a pen a certain way, write in a certain formation, remember finger spaces, grammar, spelling. Everything has to have a meaning. Even in the English Early Years framework there is a large emphasis on writing…

Living Arrows: 12/53-The Big Boy Bike.

Firstly, I want to apologise for my absence the last couple of weeks. My grandma passed away very suddenly, and very unexpectedly. It shook my world. How can someone be fine, then be gone? It just hurts my head to think about it. It was hard to sit downstairs, hearing the paramedics trying so hard…

Phonics: a guide for preschool parents…

Phonics is something that often splits opinions. Some love it, some hate it. Some believe phonics has no place in early years, whereas others believe it is essential for pre-reading skills. For many, phonics is simply a word used by their child’s provider but parents don’t always understand what it means. Basically put, phonics is…

It’s Easy Being Green…

The world is changing. Both materially and ecologically. There’s so much more packaging, cars, use of gas and electric and all the other nasties which can affect our planet. I am by no means on eco-warrior. However I do try and make changes where I can. We already buy fruit loose rather than use bags….