I have a ‘Toilet Manager’….

Today was one of those typical parenting moments where I wanted the toilet and was accompanied by J who has taken on the role of ‘toilet manager’. He’s more than just a monitor who keeps check on where I am and what I’m doing. J will select a cream from the cabinet and rub it…

What to do with leftover chocolate after Easter

So, it’s almost a week since Easter Sunday and my house was over taken by mountains of chocolate! J has only been able to eat chocolate for a few months due to working through his allergies so everyone was excited to be able to buy him Easter Eggs this year. This led to a giant…

No, no, no, no, no….yes! (Quick update)

Today J had speech therapy. It was the first session since our couple of months break. Even though we haven’t been for a while J knew straight away where to go and recognised his therapist straight away. To be honest I think J just likes the doors as he gets to press buttons. J likes…

Good Friday: exploring Easter

Whether you are religious or not, you can’t escape Easter. Like most holidays it’s been blown up into commercialism. For some it still holds religious significance, for others it’s more about the chocolate and celebration of Spring….but mostly the chocolate. I used to get annoyed by the hypocracy of non-Christians celebrating Easter but now I…

Our Hollow Tree adventure…a day at the farm.

Today we visited Hollow Tree farm in Suffolk. This is a new place for us but we’d heard lovely things so thought we’d go for a try. Firstly, taking J anywhere requires FBI level investigation skills. I checked: Distance (I’m not driving far away to find it sets him off and we have to come…

The invasion: codename ‘Parenthood’

Dear reader, It is now 27 months since the invasion began. They started by creating some form of ‘mind fog’ and sleep deprivation system which lasted approximately a year (by this stage I had slowly built an immunity).  It started slow at first. The clear and organised kitchen sides became crowded with steriliser, formula tins,…